InterAct Youth Arts Festival 2012
For the second year running I have delivered screen printing workshops as part of the InterAct Youth Arts Festival in Derry. The participants were so creative and enthusiastic and we had a really fun day.
We started by looking at examples of T-shirt design and discussed various design themes. They worked on ideas and made sketches before creating the stencils. Once all the stencils were cut we choose from 5 colours and started screen printing. The end results are very impressive!
Participants can wear their T-shirts during the showcase event this week and take them home after. Hopefully they will continue to wear them throughout the year.
Some of the teenagers screen printed two colours together to achieve a rainbow effect, as seen in 'Rio', the flute, the moustache and 'No!'
Can't wait until next year!!
This project was a collaboration between myself and primary 3 pupils in St Joseph's Primary School over 5 weeks. We began by looking at the Irish legend, The Children of Lir.
Each pupil chose their favourite character from the story to draw, colour and cut out. All characters came together to create a group storyboard.
During the second workshop we looked at the animals in the story. The pupils drew swans floating on water and flying through the air. They then mono-printed these onto black card.
The pupils then investigated the woodland creatures mentioned at the beginning of our story. Again they drew and mono-printed their woodland creatures onto coloured card. They came up with such imaginative creatures with different personalities and names!
The pupils investigated shapes and patterns from many animals skins: zebra, octopus, fish, birds and crocodile. Working in small groups, they used these patterns to design the skin of their woodland creatures. As you can see, they worked on a really large scale!
They are currently exhibited in the Assembly Rooms in Belfast for the Children's Festival!
The Waterfront Hall hosted Belfast Children's Festival's Festival in a Weekend. There were so many activities for children, including Baby Rave, Comic Illustration, Stare Wars, Race Cars and my workshop; Pom Pom Monsters!
Up to 4000 visitors enjoyed all the activities and each created very unique pom pom creatures to take home. We had caterpillars, dragons, bugs, butterflies and ... general monsters!
For the second year running I have delivered screen printing workshops as part of the InterAct Youth Arts Festival in Derry. The participants were so creative and enthusiastic and we had a really fun day.
We started by looking at examples of T-shirt design and discussed various design themes. They worked on ideas and made sketches before creating the stencils. Once all the stencils were cut we choose from 5 colours and started screen printing. The end results are very impressive!
Participants can wear their T-shirts during the showcase event this week and take them home after. Hopefully they will continue to wear them throughout the year.
Some of the teenagers screen printed two colours together to achieve a rainbow effect, as seen in 'Rio', the flute, the moustache and 'No!'
Can't wait until next year!!
Belfast Children's Festival 2012
'Many Hands' School Project
This project was a collaboration between myself and primary 3 pupils in St Joseph's Primary School over 5 weeks. We began by looking at the Irish legend, The Children of Lir.
Each pupil chose their favourite character from the story to draw, colour and cut out. All characters came together to create a group storyboard.
During the second workshop we looked at the animals in the story. The pupils drew swans floating on water and flying through the air. They then mono-printed these onto black card.
The pupils then investigated the woodland creatures mentioned at the beginning of our story. Again they drew and mono-printed their woodland creatures onto coloured card. They came up with such imaginative creatures with different personalities and names!
The Tentacle Twins
The Fat Spiky Fish Eater
Super Two Head
Snowy J
Three Head Big Foot
These highly patterned drawings were then screenprinted by myself in the Belfast Print Workshop.They are currently exhibited in the Assembly Rooms in Belfast for the Children's Festival!
The Trog of Destruction
The Sea Zebra Snake
Angry Point
Spiky Flyer
Three Head Big Foot
The opening of the Children's Festival was great! Lots of families attended to see the school art projects, Cardboard Cities, and The Giant is Coming exhibition!
Festival in a Weekend 2012The Waterfront Hall hosted Belfast Children's Festival's Festival in a Weekend. There were so many activities for children, including Baby Rave, Comic Illustration, Stare Wars, Race Cars and my workshop; Pom Pom Monsters!
Up to 4000 visitors enjoyed all the activities and each created very unique pom pom creatures to take home. We had caterpillars, dragons, bugs, butterflies and ... general monsters!
A tini tiny one to start the weekend!
Belfast Mela 2011 with ArtsEkta
The Belfast Mela was created in 2007. It has since become established as an unmissable highlight in the region’s festival line-up and has rapidly reached status as Northern Ireland’s largest multi-cultural festival, attracting a collective number of 60,000 visitors over four years.
Although Melas traditionally have a strong south-Asian focus, ArtsEkta have adopted the concept with a unique multi-cultural focus with the festival promoting a large number of cultures through the arts.
Culture Land is an area within the Belfast Mela. Here you will discover a different culture represented in each tent with relevant arts activities for each; Irish, African, Chinese, Indian, South American.
I worked alongside Trisha Mc Nally in the Irish tent. Children were shown how to make bedroom door name badges using Celtic writing from the Book of Kells.
Screenprinting at InterAct Youth Arts Festival, Derry 2011
InterAct Youth Arts Festival & Youth Forum, spearheaded by the Millennium Forum, is a project created by youth, for youth, encouraging 12-21 year olds of all capabilities and from all backgrounds in Derry to InterAct with the Arts and each other, through a week of multi-disciplinary workshops, film screenings, special guest events and live performances.
This collaboration and celebration of arts and culture, informed by a Youth Forum, nurtures synergies between arts organisations, youth, schools, arts practitioners and our local community.
The group designed and screen printed T-shirts and posters for the final showcase event. Designs were inspired by their interests, hobbies and the activities they took part in during the Festival.
'Festival Goes to the Park' with Belfast Children's Festival 2010
The Belfast Children's Festival 2010 invited the Indian Community Centre to create artwork for their local park.
The Belfast Children's Festival 2010 invited the Indian Community Centre to create artwork for their local park.
Chandeliers hung between the trees throughout the park.