After many years of building up my experience and knowledge through arts facilitation, I'm extremely excited to say I have been accepted onto the PGCE in Primary teaching!!
It is week 1 and I have learnt so much already in all areas of learning.
One of our first assessments is to work in a group of 6 and create an interactive story board about a nursery rhyme suitable for foundation level.
My group have chosen Mary Mary Quite Contrary.
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
How does your garden grow,
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row.
So far my job is to make Mary and her different outfits.
Below you can see a turquoise hat with a flower, a furry scarf, short sleeved top, warm spotty jumper, short skirt with pompoms, sparkly trousers, an apron with pocket, flowery boots and trainers with laces.

Mary's variety of clothing will encourage foundation pupils to consider what type of clothing they should choose on a warm/cold day and why. We focus on extending the use of language and literacy here by discussing their own experiences of choosing clothes for different seasons/weathers.
Here are the 'pretty maids all in a row.' They are smaller and more simple than Mary as they are not a main focus of the storyboard, but very important little characters all the same.
Here is is the final storyboard with my amazing group.
There are lots of areas for further development and learning: Counting the bricks on Mary's shed, talking about the types of flowers, the weather in Mary's garden and in real life, suitable clothing, imagining our own garden, etc.
I absolutely loved working on this project and looking forward to future ones with my group!