
Themed Projects: 4 - 6 weeks
These themed projects focus on educational topics such as Fairtrade, Recycling, Environmental Issues, Historical Figures, Art History...
During these projects the group will make individual work as well as a group artwork to hang in your school or community centre. 
Integrating the school curriculum into arts and crafts makes learning more memorable and fun! 
Examples can be seen under 'Themed Courses.'

Series of workshops: Flexible
This series can last for 4, 6, 8 10, 12 weeks; whatever suits your timetable.
Each week the group can be introduced to a different art form.
Alternatively, we can focus on just one art form and explore its possibilities.
Examples can be seen under 'Blog Archive,' 'Crafty Kids' and 'Fullerton House Printmaking Club'

Taster workshops: 2 hours
Taster workshops allow the group to be introduced to an art form they are unfamiliar with. If they enjoy their first experience I can then deliver a series of workshops which explore its possibilities even further.

Special/ Corporate Events/ Fun Days/ Drop-in Workshops

Whilst my specialism is in printmaking, I incorporate other arts and crafts such as drawing and painting, collage, textile painting and sewing, clay and weaving.

I am always open to discussions on new ideas and happy to advise on project development.
Just contact me on